Steinbeis Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems
Meitnerstr. 8
D – 70563 Stuttgart
Phone +49 (0)711 673 2000 – 0
Fax +49 (0)711 673 2000 – 99
E-Mail info(at)
Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Mangold
Wegbeschreibung ..
- From Stuttgart central station take train S1, S2 or S3 (in direction to “Böblingen”/ “Herrenberg”/ “Vaihingen”/ “Flughafen”) – please follow signage
- Get off at station “Österfeld” (journey time of 12 mns.)
- Take stairs located against direction of travel
- Follow footpath over footbridge to STEP complex
- At roundabout follow “Wankelstraße” via “Gropiusplatz” to “Meitnerstraße”
- At motorway junction (A8/ A81) follow A 831 to „S-Vaihingen, Stuttgart“
- Take exit “S-Vaihingen, Unterer Grund” (right behind “Johannesgrabentunnel”)
- Turn right at next traffic lights in direction to “S-Vaihingen/ Unterer Grund”
- Take second exit in first roundabout and first exit in second roundabout
- On the right hand side you’ll find the building “Meitnerstraße 8”
- The Solites Office is located on the 4th floor
- From Stuttgart airport train station (on lower level) trains S2 and S3 commute regularly towards “Hauptbahnhof” – please follow signage
- Get off at station “Österfeld” (journey time of 12 mns.)
- Take stairs in direction of travel
- Follow footpath over footbridge to STEP complex
- At roundabout follow “Wankelstraße” via “Gropiusplatz” to “Meitnerstraße”